Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Apple Cider Vinegar Rinses

Okay lets just jump right on into it. This is not going to be a long post at all ( I think...hopefully.) I wash my hair every week with a non-sulfate shampoo, however, this is not enough. For anyone who is not a natural curly, this is not disgusting and is actually recommended. Moving along, while my hair is okay with this shampoo routine my scalp isn't. It will itch and annoy me so I have started using a apple cider vinegar rinses in the middle of the week to hold take care of my scalp buildup.
I used a applicator bottle 50% water, 50% acv. I applied Original Moxie's shape shifter for the first time, ya'll that thing stinks! Putting it in my hair was a surprise because it had so much slip, or so I thought. So I tried the shape shifter again, no slip. This week I did the acv rinse followed up with Giovanni's Smooth as Silk Condish (because I get split ends like no one's business and thought I could use a little protein) and my hair felt so smooth and then it hit me. ITS THE ACV YOU BIG DUMMY!


Okay this is big for me ya'll. I have been natural for four years now and I thought I knew my hair. But now its like I'm still learning. And now i'm rethinking my views about products may not be because they suck it may be due to the porosity in my hair and its raised scales on the cuticle. I'm doing research and rethinking how I'm going to create a new routine for washing and styling my hair as well as retrying products with the acv to see if this will make a difference.
 Take care beautiful curlies!

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