Monday, December 16, 2013

Product Junkie Withdrawals

Hello Beautiful Curlies!

I am writing this post because I want a record of what I, not only emotionally but physically too, am going through. Black Friday was last month and I didn't get a single thing. Don't get me wrong I had a list with almost 20 products on my phone but realized that I haven't used up what I had. And it I am on a no-buy till march.
 So while everyone is getting there black Friday discounted products and making videos I noticed I physically have been running my hands through my hair constantly. This is serious y'all! Is it possible to be addicted to buying hair products? Not necessarily using them, because in all honesty some of them ain't worth it, but just buying them. For example, I am a big fan of CurlyGirlJess on YouTube, and yes I know we don't have the same curl pattern but i don't care, and she did a haul that included kizuribeauty products. Their products are AFFORDABLE!!!! The first thing I thought of was this might be a replacement for Shea moisture because i don't know if anyone else is noticing this but Shea moisture is upping their prices and in some products (the style milk) decreasing product sizes. I really wanted to try their products and they are now having a sale for 20% off(ending today of course i find out about it the last day of the sale). If anyone is interested let me know if you heard or used and liked their products. Take care Curlies!

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