Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Product Review: U R Curly Line

Idk if I mentioned this before but my out-of-control behind is on a "no-buy" until March 2014. Yep so its time to start using up this stash I have. Check one of my first posts for pics of my stash but unfortunately it has grown a little since then (but we will get to that later). To keep track of everything I hate, like and love I will be doing product reviews and comparisons for all my products.

Obviously this is my review of the U R Curly.

The line includes the Soya Shampoo, Quinoa Conditioner, Tight Curl Enhancer, and the Loose Curl Enhancer. These products have no alcohol, parabens, sulfates or dyes but they all have protein in them. I have tried all these products several times alone and with other products.

The Soya Shampoo- This is clear and has a strong menthol smell. Unlike many other shampoos you are supposed to leave this on for a couple of minutes (crazy I know, right?). I almost didn't want to leave it in because I'm weary of shampoos stripping my hair but I did it anyway. With soaking hair I applied this with an applicator bottle directly to my scalp and rubbed it in. It lathers well and after a few minutes it starts to tingle. Oh how I love a shampoo that tingles because my mother always told me, "that means its working!" Lol but stimulation of the scalp does aid in hair growth . I rinsed this out letting the suds slide down to clean the rest of my hair and used a t-shirt to dry my hair. This shampoo did not strip my hair surprisingly.

The Quinoa Conditioner- This conditioner has the same menthol smell as the shampoo. I usually like my conditioners to have slip and this had little slip. HOWEVER, this conditioner did make my hair a softer. I stopped using this as a regular conditioner due to the little amount of slip which I need to detangle my hair and started using this as a co-wash. It tingles similar to the shampoo and adds the moisture that I lost since my last wash day.

The Tight Curl Enhancer and the Loose Curl Enhancer- My hair does not know the difference between these two but they do smell different (the TCE has a pleasant floral scent and the LCE has a subtle aloe smell to me) and the ingredients are different (both have protein though) . They are both thick gels that provide little slip while going on so I ended up using a good amount (1/6th of the bottle for one use) for my entire head. While my hair was damp it looked okay. When it dried it was a mess. Some curls were define, some were frizzy and there was frizz which is a given with my type 4abcdefg hair. When my hair dried it felt drier than a California fire. I hate to say this but the gels did nothing for me. I did try them in a braid out and added some shea butter when it was dry and this actually worked and gave definition for my hair for a few days.

Bottom line: The U R Curly line is an affordable line of products and my favorite was the shampoo. However, the rest of this line was okay and I had to work it in with other things or repurpose them (turning the conditioner into a co-wash) in order to get some benefit from them. I'm looking for products that have slip and these did not. I haven't seen these in any stores yet so they aren't accessible to me on ground. Also idk if I'm protein sensitive yet and the fact that all these products have protein in them makes me weary of them. All in all I would only repurchase the shampoo.

Tell me what you think of these products if you tried them. If you have any comments or questions leave them below. See ya!

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