Sunday, August 25, 2013

My Experience With Soultanicals/ Soultanicals Review

After 3 1/2 years of being a natural I've never really been too big on buying hair products. BUT all of a sudden I think I have a serious case of Product Junkie-ism. I knew it was a problem when I went into the GROCERY store and couldn't leave the hair section (and I had just gotten new products and have a lot of things I haven't even tried). My family thinks they need to intervene its gotten so bad and therefore I'm on a no-buy until March. Sigh.

Onto the Soultanicals review. I first heard about this company and their amazing Knot sauce from watching Curlygirljess on Youtube (I love her). She does a lot of product reviews and if you follow her on FB she updates you on sales for hair products so go check her out. I hate to admit it but these YT videos do make me want to buy everything and end up broke but what can you do, right?

So my hair has been really tangled lately (enough for me to consider a texturizer) and with their all 8oz. for $10 sale (they have a sale every Friday I think) I purchased a 16oz. Knot Sauce and a 8oz. Marula-Muru Moiisture Guru. Tell me why it took 18 DAYS for it to arrive to me. Now they will explain on their site that they make their products are made-to-order so it takes a while and even during sales. HOWEVER, my things took entirely too long, mind you I live within the state and could've went down there myself to pick up the products. Now was I upset it took long? Yea. But I was more excited to get the products for my tangled birds nest.

Notice anything strange?

My labels are crooked. This may not seem like a big deal but after the whole thing with taking forever with shipping because they use tender love and care with making their products for you BS this is a sign that they did no such thing. There were no apologies, no "I know it took longer than it should here's a free sample/product/discount", no anything. Also the labels are paper and not water-resistant, so I had to put tape over the label so it would last and not fade.

Okay so I used the products on co-washed hair. Here's the line up.
I thoroughly rinse my hair with water then put on the U R Curly Quinoa Conditioner and rinsed 5 min. later. I used the Knot Sauce as a detangler/leave-in. and the Murula-Muru Moisture Guru on top. The Knot Sauce was not what I expected. It had okay slip for me (even when I left it on for a while). It smells like vanilla frosting which kinda calmed me down a little because after all I went through for an okay conditioner. The MMMG was better though. It has a banana smell and had more slip in my opinion than the KS. So I two strand twisted my hair for three days and when I took it out it was a tangled parched mess. I ended up using cheap on the ground VO5 moisture milk to detangle which had more slip than the KS and MMMG. LOL

 I'm so disappointed. Ugh!
Bottom Line:
Shipping- $5.80 but still took 18 DAYS!
Packaging- Filled to the brim but labels are crooked and not water resistant.
Performance- Sigh. Its okay...I guess.
Would I recommend? NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!Not even on a sale. There are too many good products out there to be dealing with this mess.

I'll give it a 1 out of 5. Please comment below and tell me what you think of these products. Was I the only one who was disappointed?

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