Saturday, July 27, 2013


Welcome back beautiful,
While writing my last post I realized that I had to explain the products I have or else there will be unnecessary confusion. I'm a cheap person and if you ask anyone who knows me my favorite word is free LOL. HOWEVER, This is what my product stash looks like...

This picture is my stash of products I have paid for (never full price) over the years

The next pics is from my closet stash with products I won from a giveaway by

YASSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!! LOL I got all this stuff for free and if you think I'm bragging, well I don't care! You know you would brag too if you got this stuff for free. This is why you guys need to enter to win these giveaways. I don't care how unlucky you think you are or how busy you are (it literally takes a minute). Most of the time they have a giveaway going on their website so don't get all salty if you don't win at first because there are plenty of chances. I even enter these giveaways even though I have more than enough.
Also PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do your best to shop when there is a sale or with some kind of discount. These "natural hair" products will leave you homeless and without a dime if you let them. In my honest opinion, 'cause that's what we are going to be to one another, some of these ethnic hair companies are exploiting the black community by charging outrageous prices for their cheaply made products (Jus' sayin'). So here are my tips on buying natural hair products:
  • Subscribe to your favorite hair product websites, or follow them on other social media site, to get updates on their deals
  • Control your urge to buy up the hair isle when your in the store and shop only if you have a coupon, the store is having a sale, etc.
  • Visit natural hair blogs and channels for giveaways.
  • Create a list of things you want to try instead of making impulse purchases, this way when you get to the store you are not tempted to try something that got nothing but bad reviews online.
  • Visit natural hair care forums for swaps with other naturals, there are plenty out there that sell or swap products for cheap. (Please use your common sense though with this and don't give your money to some fool out here scamming people)
Well that's my stash and those are my tips. If you have any questions or comments then speak up and do so LOL. See ya!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Well, this is my hair now...
4-something or another curls that rarely love any product due to the years of torture (perms). She is so unruly sometimes that a frizzy afro is all I get. I Big Chopped on Dec. 27 2009 (clearly I couldn't wait for New Years Day). Its now APL (Arm Pit Length) with unexplainable split ends and breakage. I DO NOT follow the Curly Girl Method and I HATE finger detangling. I have been called cheap, yes I will own up to it, BUT I have become a product junkie (I will explain how that turned out later on).
The pic above is actually a good hair day LOL. I used Tresseme Naturals Vibrantly Smooth Conditioner and Kinky Curly Curling Custard.
My hair was shiny was shiny and actually had clumps, along with frizz but that's a given. HOWEVER, using the Kinky Curly Curling Custard was hard to apply since it went on smoothly only if I used a lot of it. And for $30 a pop honey, that ain't cute. 
I will be giving product reviews in later posts but I just wanted to give you a glimpse of what my hair is like. Comment below if there is anything you want to share or request I write a post on. See you next time, beautiful!


Hello Beautiful, I am going to make this post simple and sweet because really ain't nobody got time for that! This is my very first natural hair blog post. The purpose of this blog is to:
  • Track length progress (lets face it we all are and if you say no your lying)
  • Product reviews
  • Techniques successes and failures (I will always be honest, brutally honest)
  • and anything else I see fit
Well lets go!